His take is, if it's paying, buy seperate licenses.
Mach3 which is still growing will run lathe or mill with the one license and Art has stated that home shop guys need only buy one license for whatever they are running. They say it will run lathe but the lathe part is very sketchy, in fact it's not even mentioned in the book. This will run one machine, basically a mill. I can pick 1Gig boxes up here S/H for about آ£50.Ī decent breakout board is $25 from OK the board is $125 but you still need the package at $350. I have just upgraded my shop computer and the smallest chip I can find is 2.2 gig. I was incorrect when I said it didn't have tool length offsets, I now see that it has.Īlso my reference was to Fred Smith, not Carl who from all reports is a decent guy to deal with and does a good job.Ī few years ago when Mach2 came out the computer issue was relevant as being expensive but things have moved on.